1978 Piper Cherokee 6/300
1978 Piper Cherokee 6/300
Location: St Paul , Minnesota
Full LoPresti cowlings, gap seals, and wheel fairings
Hershey-bar wings and four fuel tanks of a 1978 edition aircraft
Exterior paint is a good 8/10
Interior is a 7/10
Ventilation was updated in 2021
Club seating with the standard 4 cupholder and a cooler armrest between the two middle seats
Aspen Evolution 2500 Pro Max glass panel
GNX375 transponder/GPS
Full autopilot coupling to GNSS flying off the GPS
Altitude holding and APP/GS flying
ADS-B in and out
TCAS and weather information to be shown on the Aspens, GNX375, and on Foreflight (or whichever similar service you may use, if it works with Garmin).
This is great when flying into Oshkosh, as you can see the whole line of aircraft sequencing in on all of those devices. The updated cockpit no longer has a vacuum system, as it is no longer required with the Aspen 2500. This saves on weight, noise, power, and maintenance costs
Aspen 2500 has full reversion from the PFD to the primary MFD, giving you backup instrumentation that is the same and as capable as the primary instrumentation. This includes fully activated synthetic vision. Additionally, the engine instrumentation is displayed on a JPI-EDM900 engine monitor, with digital display of fuel quantities, electrical draw, and other engine information.
The Engine is a Lycoming IO-540-K1G5, Serial Number RL-16950-48E. The SMOH on the engine is approximately 250 Tach Hours
The propeller is a 2-Blade Hartzell HC-C2YR-1BF, Serial Number CH34700B. While it is still being flown and the exact number will slowly change. SMOH on the propeller is approximately 700 Tach Hours
Landing lights have been installed on both wings, and all landing and taxi lights are now LED
All logbooks are current, with all STCs, and all ADs have been complied with
Nearly all wiring in the aircraft was replaced during its panel upgrade in June 2022, and the back has GA plugs for all seats, along with Bluetooth music control that can be separate from the pilot
New annual is scheduled for early December, when a tri-blade scimitar propeller from Hartzell is also planned to be installed. This sale price is inclusive of the fresh annual and tri-blade propeller installation